The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) has awarded $6 million to Neurobiology and Behavior & Psychiatry and Human Behavior Chancellor’s Professor Leslie Thompson….

Congratulations to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professors John C. Avise and Adriana Briscoe on being named Fellows of the California Academy of Sciences….

Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the research team assessed the effect of just 10 minutes of mild exercise on hippocampal memory function….

In a fascinating new study, the bonnethead shark has been identified as the first known omnivorous shark, i.e., one that obtains nutrients from eating both plants and meat….

In a new publication in the journal, Nature Catalysis, Professor Hu and her team research new ways to optimize future designs for biofuel production, improve efficiency and reduce cost….

The School of Biological Sciences is pleased to announce the launch of BioSci Ambassadors….

Professor Fruman and colleagues identify an alternative anti-cancer benefit of statins- drugs normally prescribed for treating high cholesterol….

Congratulations to Professor Lee Bardwell, Developmental and Cell Biology, for being selected as a recipient of a 2017-2018 Dean’s Honoree Award. The award was given as part of this year’s Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching honors….

In new research published in the journal, Science, Professor Manny Azizi and his colleagues, Sarah Bergbreiter (University of Maryland) and S.N. Patek (Duke University), describe a new mathematical …