Jennifer Au, a fourth year Biology major at the UCI Biological Sciences School was awarded the opportunity in fall 2015 to study at Beijing Normal University for four months to learn Madarin. She chose this intensive Chinese language program to help her better communicate with other individuals including her family in China.
It has always been my dream to reach in and discover the culture of my ancestors and who I really am and through this study abroad program, I will be able to incorporate academics and social development with cultural cognizance.
Jennifer was one of 36 students nationwide awarded a $5000 Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship to be used on her EAP program to China this fall. She and other students were selected from a pool of almost 1,650 applicants from all over the United States.
As she is looking forward to meeting the locals, practicing Mandarin with them every day and trying authentic Chinese cuisine, Jennifer ultimately hopes to use her Chinese language acquisition as a physician assistant to communicate with monolingual Chinese patients.