Neurobiology and Behavior Seminar
Monday, May 6th, 2019
11 AM, Dale Melbourne Herklotz Conference Center, Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Building 506 on the campus map)
Erin Dolan, PhD
University of Georgia
“Undergraduate Research at Scale: What if the treatment is a CURE?”
Abstract: National calls to improve undergraduate STEM education have emphasized the importance of undergraduate research experiences. Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, or CUREs, involve groups of students in addressing research problems or questions in the context of a class, and have been proposed as scalable ways of involving undergraduates in research. This seminar will offer a definition of CUREs, describe what makes them distinctive from other learning experiences, outline the state of knowledge about CURE effectiveness, and highlight results from the Freshman Research Initiative at the University of Texas at Austin as a unique and highly impactful CURE model.