School of Biological Sciences Tech Support

Our team provides technical support to faculty, staff, and graduate students in the school. We strive to ensure that all members of the School have the necessary technical tools to achieve their academic and research goals.


Email: Bio Sci Help
Phone: 949-824-3555
Bomgar Remote Support

In Person:

Staff are available in-person 8-5, Monday through Friday 
2116–2122 Natural Sciences 1 

Meet Our Team

How We Can Help


  • Up-to-date UCI-owned Windows and Mac Computers
  • Printers, standalone and department Xerox machines
  • Mobile Devices, as required for University business
  • Legacy instruments, as feasible for core facilities and research
  • Legacy instruments: As feasible for core facilities and research

AV Support



  • Productivity Software: Microsoft 365, Adobe Suite, Sophos Anti-Virus
  • Graphpad Prism
  • Lasergene DNAStar
  • Reference managers
  • BioRender

Security and Network

  • Network security remediation, Software updates and patching, Security cameras
  • IP address management for the School, Network security compliance, Troubleshooting and non-standard configurations
  • Training and documentation


  • Custom application support and development, WordPress multisite configuration and maintenance, Legacy website support

Support policies and restrictions

Due to Liability Issues:

  • Equipment submitted for service to Bio Sci Computing Services must be University property AND used for University purpose.
  • User must demonstrate proof of license for all software (i.e. Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Acrobat) before Bio Sci Computing Services will install any licensed software.
  • Request for data backups and data transfers must not contain private personal data (i.e. Social Security Numbers, Drivers License numbers) as to comply with SB1386.
  • The user is responsible for data backups. In the event that data is lost, Dunlop School Computing will provide a best effort to recover it.


How to...
Install Microsoft Office
Install Adobe
Secure Research Data
Set up your UCINetID
Set up DUO Multifactor Authentication
Teach Anywhere
Set up dual screen remote
Electronic Communications Policy
Set up a Dunlop School laptop
Install DNASTAR Lasergene