Study shows how to prevent a high-fat diet from throwing metabolism out of whack

Study shows how to prevent a high-fat diet from throwing metabolism out of whack

Eating lots of fats increases the risk of metabolic disorders, but the mechanisms behind the problem have not been well understood. Now, University of California, Irvine biologists have made a key finding about how to ward off harmful effects caused by a high-fat diet. Their study appears in Nature Communications.

The Evolution of Flight Membranes in Mammals

The Evolution of Flight Membranes in Mammals

  Mammalian flight is an incredible ability that has evolved in many different species, including bats, flying squirrels and several types of possums. Interestingly, each of these flying species has evolved a lateral flight membrane, known as a patagium, between...

A New Tool to Forecast the Impact of Climate Change

A New Tool to Forecast the Impact of Climate Change

As the Earth's climate continues to change, natural resource managers are faced with the challenge of forecasting how populations will respond to these changes. There are a variety of different forecasting approaches, ranging from complex process-based models that...

UCI Women in Technology Inclusive Networking

Dunlop School staff members Carolina Manel and Regina Castleman were featured during Women’s History Month for their contributions for Women in Technology at UCI.

Dunlop School Alumnus Spotlight:  Roderick Seamster, MD, MPH, ‘82

Dunlop School Alumnus Spotlight: Roderick Seamster, MD, MPH, ‘82

1) Can you share a memorable experience from your time as an undergraduate at UCI? There were many memorable and rewarding experiences as an undergraduate at UCI. One includes my exposure to the Black Students in Science Organization (BSSO) and Dunlop School Peer...

Five Dunlop School Faculty Selected as Inaugural FATE Fellows

Five Dunlop School Faculty Selected as Inaugural FATE Fellows

Five faculty members from Dunlop School were recently selected to join the inaugural class of the UCI Faculty Academy for Teaching Excellence (FATE) fellows for the 2022-23 academic year. Associate Professor Celia Faiola and Teaching Professor and Vice Chair Catherine...