Has Pandemic-Related Stress Negatively Impacted Your Sleep?

Has Pandemic-Related Stress Negatively Impacted Your Sleep?

Low-quality sleep is nothing new. However, the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the forefront the topic of stress and how it plays a role in negatively affecting sleep quality. To understand the role stress plays in altering sleep quality, Professor Kevin Beier from the...

Dunlop School Professor Awarded for Innovative Program

Dunlop School Professor Awarded for Innovative Program

Associate Professor of Teaching Pavan Kadandale from the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry recently received an award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) alongside collaborator Professor Anita Casavantes Bradford from the...

NIH funds research to determine air pollution’s role in Alzheimer’s Disease

NIH funds research to determine air pollution’s role in Alzheimer’s Disease

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) has awarded $2.3 million to a team of UCI researchers who are studying how air pollution drives the degeneration of neurons and how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk genes interact with such environmental contaminants to exacerbate its neurotoxicity. AD is the most common cause of dementia among the elderly and is an apparent public health challenge in the U.S. as well as many other countries.

Scientist’s Curiosity Inspires Her Children’s Gift

Scientist’s Curiosity Inspires Her Children’s Gift

It is one thing to cherish the memories of loved ones. It is another thing to keep their spirit alive by sharing their character and values with others so they can continue to impact more lives. That is exactly what daughter Paris Mowlavi Torkamani and son Zubin...

Dunlop School Connection Yields Growth

Dunlop School Connection Yields Growth

The UC Irvine Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences is home to talented faculty researchers and scientists who work to solve a whole host of problems facing society. Some of the solutions they’ve created are so groundbreaking that they have the potential to be...

Ford Foundation Sunsets Diversity Fellowships

Ford Foundation Sunsets Diversity Fellowships

The Ford Foundation’s fellowship program, a half century–old effort to bring racial and ethnic diversity to US academic institutions by supporting select scholars, is ending, according to a statement issued earlier this month.

UCI study IDs what brings our senses and thoughts together

UCI study IDs what brings our senses and thoughts together

Our ability to think, decide, remember recent events and more, comes from our brain’s neocortex. Now University of California, Irvine neuroscientists have discovered key aspects of the mechanisms behind these functions.