What began with a $70,000 philanthropic gift 12 years ago has grown into the recipient of a $47 million National Institute on Aging grant for Alzheimer’s disease research at the University of California, Irvine.

What began with a $70,000 philanthropic gift 12 years ago has grown into the recipient of a $47 million National Institute on Aging grant for Alzheimer’s disease research at the University of California, Irvine.
A faculty member’s mission to make biology instruction more effective and inclusive has gotten a big boost. Developmental and Cell Biology Assistant Teaching Professor Star Lee has just won two grants to further her work. One funds six regional workshops beginning...
One million square feet spread over eight buildings, multiple floors and housing everything from laboratories to lounges. Christine Panelli is getting to know all of Dunlop School’s nooks and crannies as the School’s new director of facilities. Her role is to...
The British Ecological Society announced today that University of California, Irvine ecologist and biogeochemist Kathleen Treseder has won the organization’s Marsh Award for Climate Change Research.
Monkeypox has been spreading globally since May, the first time it has ever been widely found outside of Central and West Africa. News of another disease outbreak coming on the heels of the COVID pandemic has jangled the nerves of many. A Dunlop School expert on pox...
Now University of California, Irvine biologists offer new insights into these entities known as transposons, providing knowledge that could one day help in the fight against cancers and aging-related diseases.
Why do many treatments that work in animal models fail in people? In his new book, Neurobiology and Behavior professor Georg Striedter says researchers sometimes unwittingly set the stage for defeat by overlooking species differences when designing their studies. To...
Click for Full HHMI Release Carlene Chinn, a Fourth-year PhD candidate in UCI’s Department of Neurobiology and Behavior and adviser Dr. Marcelo Wood have been awarded the prestigious Gilliam Fellowship by Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Gilliam Fellowships for...
Dr. Michael Leon, professor of neurobiology and behavior, is featured on the Healthy Baby Show podcast and speaks about the latest research on neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. Dr. Leon also explains what the latest...
When it comes to fighting deadly cancers, as well as chronic infections such as HIV and hepatitis B, C, two is better than one. That’s the finding published by the laboratory of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry assistant professor Dr. Roberto Tinoco. In...