Tamera Hatfield

Tamera Hatfield


“The Dunlop School community is why I have accomplished so many of my goals and dreams.”

Marlyd Mejia

Marlyd Mejia


“When I say I got my degree from Dunlop School, I am saying that I trained under top-quality researchers.”

Quynh Theresa Do

Quynh Theresa Do


“My favorite thing about Dunlop School is how diverse the community is.”

Maggie Chang

Maggie Chang


“I feel compelled to share with the community all the great research that UCI is doing to advance the future of medicine”

Marlene Godoy

Marlene Godoy


“UCI gave me the foundation to become a lifetime student of our dynamically evolving world, and in my own humble way, be the change I wish to see.”

Rhea Shishodia

Rhea Shishodia


“The fact that there are so many different options and pathways to choose from is what makes Dunlop School unique.”

Steven Allison

Steven Allison


“UCI has probably the world’s best group of researchers in the field of microbial ecology and climate change.”

Melinda Gormley

Melinda Gormley


“Dunlop School rises to the challenge. We grow and change with the times.”