Congratulations to the ten UCI MSP undergraduate students who recently received poster or oral presentation awards for their research at the 2020 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). The ABRCMS is one of the nation’s largest communities of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This year’s conference was conducted entirely online and included plenary sessions, scientific and professional development sessions, a virtual exhibit hall, e-posters, student oral presentations, live networking, and an awards ceremony. The conference featured several research talks from prominent scientists from across the country.
The Dunlop School MSP initiative was created in a joint effort with the National Institutes of Health. The program is run by director Luis Mota-Bravo, PhD, and director of student academic development Marlene de la Cruz, PhD, and supports mentored student research projects across campus.
The following list of winners includes the names of the MSP students who received an award (first author of the poster), along with the names of co-authors and the research project’s principal investigator.
ABRCMS 2020: The Virtual Experience Awardees
- Mohamed Ahmed, Amelie Garenaux, and Luis Mota-Bravo. IS26-flanked Region Carrying Rare sul3 Sulfonamide Resistance Gene found in a Multidrug-Resistant Conjugative Plasmid from an Environmentally isolated Escherichia coli.
- Felix A. Argueta, Andrei Tatarenkov, and Luis Mota-Bravo. Plasmid Found in a Wild Bird from New York City Carries Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance Genes.
- Abigail Armenta, Amelie Garenaux, and Luis Mota-Bravo. Unique Association of Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Resistance Genes on a Conjugative Plasmid from an Environmental Klebsiella pneumoniae.
- Alejandra Gabriela Baron, Amelie Garenaux and Luis Mota-Bravo. First Report of a Class 1 Integron Containing Multidrug Resistance Region found in an Environmental Citrobacter freundii.
- Casadora Boone, Amelie Garenaux and Luis Mota-Bravo. Environmental Escherichia coli Isolate Contains Conjugative Plasmid with IS26-flanked blaCTX-M-15 in a Multidrug Resistance Region.
- Luis Escalante, Andrei Tatarenkov, and Luis Mota-Bravo. Multidrug-Resistant Plasmid Containing a Class 1 Integron Found in an Environmental Citrobacter freundii.
- Megan Garcia, Andrei Tatarenkov, and Luis Mota-Bravo. Novel Multidrug Resistance Region Formed by Multiple Gene Mobilizations on an IncR Plasmid.
- Lizeth Gutierrez, Amelie Garenaux, and Luis Mota-Bravo. Novel Multidrug Resistance IS1 Composite Transposon Found in an IncX1 Plasmid from an Environmental Escherichia coli.
- Gabriela Salcedo, Rebekah Dyer, and Gregory Weiss. Evolving SNAP29 Proteolytic Activity to Target Autophagy.
- Marize Rizkalla, Amelie Garenaux, and Luis Mota-Bravo. Global Distribution and Accumulation of Resistance and Virulence Genes in Environmental Escherichia coli