Room Reservations

Please note some rooms have limited availability.

  • Please be sure to make arrangements for access when you reserve a conference room.
  • It is expected that the room is returned to its original condition.
  • Return tables and chairs to their original set up if they were moved.
  • Pick up any food or trash from the floor, table tops, chairs and dispose of in the dumpster located at the loading dock.
  • Power off all electronic devices used.
  • Turn off all lights.
  • Please be sure all doors to the room are locked

Office of the Dean

To reserve a room or space for the office of the dean, please go to the BioSci Facilities Management website. Reservations are available to BioSci Faculty, Staff and students for BioSci related meetings and events.

View Available Rooms and Spaces

Please check availability on Facilities website .

  • Biological Sciences III, Room 1120 & Patio
  • Natural Sciences I, 1214 Patio
  • Natural Sciences I, Room 1201 (Graduate Active Learning)
  • Natural Sciences I, Room 1114 & Patio
  • Natural Sciences II, Room 4201
  • Natural Sciences II, Room 4210
  • Natural Sciences II, Room 4212

BioSci Departments

To reserve a room or space, please see below and choose your department and building.

Click on the room number to check availability.

Developmental and Cell Biology

Natural Sciences II

4206 Dev & Cellsydneyv2@uci.edu15

Biological Sciences III

2011 Dev &
2120 Dev & Cellsydneyv2@uci.edu25

McGaugh Hall

4205 Dev & Cellsydneyv2@uci.edu5
4205A Dev & Cellsydneyv2@uci.edu5
4248 Dev & Cellsydneyv2@uci.edu27

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

McGaugh Hall

1246 MB&Bmbbadmin@uci.edu27
3248 MB&Bmbbadmin@uci.edu27

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Biological Sciences III

3011 Eco Evoeebadmin@uci.edu10
3013 Eco Evoeebadmin@uci.edu4

Steinhaus Hall

267Ecology and Evolutionary Biologyeebadmin@uci.edu24
329Ecology and Evolutionary Biologyeebadmin@uci.edu8

Neurobiology and Behavior

Biological Sciences III

3120 Neurobiology & Behaviornbb@uci.edu27

McGaugh Hall

(NBB Department Use Only)
Neurobiology & Behaviornbb@uci.edu27

Please ensure that your desired date is available before submitting your request.


Campus Facilities Information

If you have general maintenance requests or a building emergency, please call the Campus Facilities Service Desk at 949-824-5444 or visit their website here .

Such requests include: lights out, plumbing problems, air-conditioning and heating problems, broken or stuck locks, other building related issues.