Gary Roman joined the Biological Sciences School over 10 years ago. In his current position as Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program (INP) Administrator, Gary has the important role of managing the program’s first year graduate students during their laboratory rotations and academic courses, to ensure that they are making satisfactory progress in the program. When asked how he felt about working at the Biological Sciences School, Gary replied, “I’ve found a connection and sense of purpose with all the people I work with. I have seen the school grow during my time here, people coming and going and new buildings constructed. I am deeply humbled to have had the opportunity to witnessed it all.” Gary says he looks forward to his continued work as INP administrator, working closely with incoming students and his colleagues at the Biological Sciences School.
In addition to his primary role as INP administrator, Gary’s split appointment previously gave him the opportunity to be an administrator for Professor Leslie M. Thompson. Currently, Gary is an administrator for Professor Carl W. Cotman. Gary has been honored to have worked with both professors.
Before working at the Biological Sciences School Gary was an employee of “Corp American” at AT&T Wireless. Both positions were critical in preparing Gary to be an effective INP administrator, and valuable colleague.