Yuanshun Chen, Director of Finance
Yuanshun Chen has been at UCI for over 25 years, the last 11 years as the Biological Sciences School’s Director of Finance. In her role, she manages the financial business affairs of the Biological Sciences School. Yuanshun shares that she always strives to be a valuable contributor to the School’s stakeholders and make a positive impact on staff.
Yuanshun is grateful for the educational and professional growth opportunities offered to her through the years, which have enhanced her skills and developed her career. One of her professional highlights during her time at UCI has been serving as the UC System-wide representative for the UCI Academic Business Officers Group from 2011 – 2013. In that capacity, she attended Steering Committee meetings and helped plan the group’s annual conference. Yuanshun adds that she always tries to follow “The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz” introduced to her at UCI: “Be impeccable with your word; Don’t take anything personally; Don’t make assumptions; and Always do your best.”