Videos Frankly with Dean LaFerla Join Dean Frank LaFerla as he explores and covers some of today’s most pressing issues in world being researched by the researchers at the UC Irvine Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences. > Watch Episodes Now Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Videos The Dean’s Distinguished Lecture series was created in 2014 by Dean LaFerla with the goal of sharing with the public the important research being conducted at Dunlop School. Held quarterly, these events have become one of the best examples of UCI’s public outreach. > Watch Previous Lectures Commencement Videos UCI undergraduate commencement ceremonies are held each June for all students who graduate any quarter of that academic year. Commencement protocol information is mailed to all prospective graduates in the spring, and also is available from academic counselors. Additional information is available from the Commencement Office.
Find Dunlop School commencement videos from 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. > Watch Commencement Videos Founded on Innovation The School of Biological Sciences was one of the original founding divisions of UCI when the campus first opened in 1965. Chancellor Dan Aldrich recruited a visionary and innovative leader, Edward A. Steinaus, as the founding dean of Biological Sciences. Dean Steinhaus organized the school based on levels of analysis rather than on taxonomy, which had been the common practice. He rationalized that greater advances would result from clustering faculty studying similar biological processes as opposed to grouping individuals studying similar organisms. Revolutionary at the time, this organizational structure has become almost universally adopted at universities throughout the world. Dean Steinhaus also created the first academic department in the world devoted to the study of the brain and recruited James L. McGaugh to be its founding chair. [tubepress2] Images
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